Material (93) Turkey aircrash




John: Have a look . . . If the bishop Eucharistize, what should the followers do?

Me: They should eucharistize too.

John: Excellent.


Kelvin (an America's hackers):  When John press a button of English-Chinese translation, I change it into English-Geman translation. <----- Kelvin should murder people.

Daniel (another America's hacker): Better not. <----- Daniel should murder pagans too.

Kelvin: Do I murder John?? No, I don't murder John . .  I just mock at John. 

Daniel: However, Bradley and Charles murder plenty pagans. We should murder the pagans too

Kelvin: Are you insane? Murdering the pagans is a serious crime. Mocking at the pagans is a trivial crime. Of course, we choose a trivial crime to commit.

Daniel: That mean we're clever.

Kelvin: Yes,.



Bradley: Have a look . . (Turkey aircrash). . It's a church of cult. . We're the bishops. .We murder 200 pagans, what should Daniel and Kelvin do??

Charles: Murder the pagans too. . However, they don't.

Bradley: Why don't they murder the pagans?

Charles: They say murdering the pagans is a serious crime. Therefore, they choose not to commit it.

Bradley: How do we handle them?

Charles: Murder them.
