Material (103) 5 loaf 2 fish (Austria tram fire)


Ref: .



John: I guess you're familiar with the picture above.

Me: Yes,.

John: This picture is about how we uninstall a program in microsoft windows. 

Me: OK.

John: Kelvin add an extra code beside the register of program-uninstall. It look like the code below.


if (uninstall = true)


if (program-uninstall = virus program) 


uninstall () = false; Kelvin add an extra code on my computer.




uninstall = true;




John: As a result, no matter how hard I try to unistanll the virus program, the virus program isn't uninstalled.

Me: How many times did Kelvin hack you in this way?

John: From 2004 to 2010, he hack me in this way for 30 times. .

Me: That mean, every 2 months, Kelvin hack you one times in this way.

John: Yes,.

Me: How did he add the extra code in your computer?

John: Probably, he use a hacker's package.


Daniel: Have a look . . Bradley say we shouldn't use the weapons of the church again and again. If we use the weapons of the church again and again, those weapons unavoidably and eventually become our our wealth other than the wealth of the God. The earthly wealth is dirty and the heavenly wealth is clean.

Kelvin: I know that.

Daniel: Then, why do you use the same hacker's package to hack John in the way again and again.


Kelvin is so angry and say,


Kelvin: You ask Bradley to fuck off. Those hacker's package is my personal wealth rather than the wealth of the heavenly God. It's my personal hatred against John. I love to use the hacker's package to hack John again and again. Nobody can stop me.

Daniel: Your personal wealth?

Kelvin: Why not?

Daniel: Your personal hatred against John?

Kelvin: Why not?

Daniel: So, you love to hack John again and again. And, nobody can stop you?

Kelvin: Yes,.



Bradley: Have a look . . If the tram halt outside the tunnel during the fire, the mortality is low. However, if the tram halt inside the tunnel during the fire, the mortality is high.

Charles: I know that.

Bradley: Why do we let the tram halt inside the tunnel during the fire?

Charles: We must genocide as many pagans as possible.

Bradley: Why must we genocide as many pagans as possible.

Charles: Because, the hacker's weapon belong to our heavenly God. We can't use those hacker's weapon again and again. If we use those hacker's weapon again and again, those hacker's tools unavoidably and eventually become our personal wealth rather than the wealth of the God.


Charles: If they become our personal wealth rather than the wealth of our God, it's good.

Bradley: It's bad. Because, the earthly wealth is dirty. Only the heavenly wealth is clean.  To avoid those hacker's weapons from becoming our weapon,  we can only use those hacker's tools for one times only. 


Charles: One times only.


Bradley: Yes,. One times only. In order to make the most of the use of this scarced occassion, we must genocide as many pagans as possible.


Charles: Excellent. However, Kelvin say that those hacker's package is his personal wealth rather than the wealth of the God. Therefore, he can use those hacker's package to hack John again and again.


Bradley (shaking head),


Charles: Why do you shake your head?

Bradley: Those hacker's package isn't Kelvin's personal wealth. He can't use it to hack John again and again. Those hacker's package belong to our God.

Charles: Then, why did Kelvin use them to hack John again and again?

Bradley: Kelvin wanna occupy those hacker's package.


Charles: Have a look . .In the story of 5 loaf 2 fish, Jesus never occupy any earthly wealth.

Bradley: A creator never occupy any earthly wealth. Only the consumer rush to occupy the earthly wealth.

Charles: Kelvin is greedy and secular. How do we handle him?

Bradley: Murder him.
