Material (98) 5 loaf 2 fish (Sars)


Ref: .


John: Look at this article ( ). This article mention about 5 loaf and 2 fish.

Me: OK.


John: Have a look. ( . Kelvin use the same weapons to hack me for 30 times and let me reinstall my windows for 30 times and let my lose my informations on the computer for 30 times.

Me: Did all the hackings happen within one day?

John: No,. They didn't happen within one day. From 2004 on, every 2 months, Kelvin use the same weapons to hack me one times. Up to 2010, Kelvin already hack me for 30 times and let me reinstall my windows for 30 times and let me lose all my informations on my computer for 30 times.

Me: That mean Kelvin use the weapons of the church again and again?

John: Yes,.


Me: Look at this article ( ). Why did Bradley let the airplane crash into the world trade center rather than the ocean?

John: Because, Bradley think that as a pious disciple of the church of the Yandelists, we can't use the weapons of the church again and again. If we insist on doing it, those weapons unavoidably and eventually become our personal wealth rather than the wealth of the God.


John: Before we start, you may read this article ( 

Me: OK.

John: It happen in the year of 2004.



Louise is in charge of the warehouse of the church of Yandelists. Inside the warehouse, there's full of biological weapons called COVID.


Kelvin (during the year of 2004): You're in charge of the warehouse. Now, you share the weapons with me alone.

Louise: Alone?

Kelvin: Yes,.

Louise: Those weapons belong to the God instead of me. I can't share the weapons with you alone. I must share the weapons with all the disciple of the church.

Kelvin: You say in a high-profile manner that those poison is your personal wealth rather than the heavenly wealth. So, you can share the weapons with me alone. Can't you do that?


Louise think for a while and say, 


Louise: OK. I  share some weapon with you alone. However, what do you use them for?

Kelvin: I will ask Miss Wong, a spy of Hong Kong,  to use those poison to kill the dogs of the elder sisters of John.

Louise: Have a look ( During the incident of SARS,  those weapon is used to kill the pagans.

Kelvin: So what?

Louise: Those weapons aren't used to kill the dogs of the elder sister of John.

Kelvin: You say in a high profile manner that those weapons are your own wealth rather than the wealth of our God. Therefore, you can use them for whatever purpose you love to . Can't you do that?

Louise: My own wealth?

Kelvin: Why not ?



Charles (the bishops of the church of the Yandelists):

Bradley: OK.

Charles: Why did Kelvin hack John again and again?

Bradley: Kelvin say those weapons is his personal wealth rather than the wealth of the God.

Charles: Why did Louise share the weapons with Kelvin alone?

Bradley: Louise say those poison is his personal wealth rather than the wealth of the church. He can share them with anybody he want.

Charles: Why is the poison used to kill the dogs of John's sister instead of the pagans?

Bradley: Louise say those poison is his personal wealth rather than the wealth of the God. Therefore, he can use those poison for whatever purpose he want .

Charles: How do we handle them"?

Bradley: Murder them.

Charles: Oh! There's another disciple whom we must murder. 

Bradley: Who?

Charles: Read this article . ( We should kill George.


During the year of 2004, George is in charge of the warehouse of the church.  Inside the warehouse,  there's a hacker's package  which can hack the power  plant  and  let  a building be on flame. However, can you imagine that it happen? One day, Kelvin see George.


Kelvin: The weapon inside the warehouse  isn't the God's wealth. They're our wealth. We can use them again and again.

George: Don't do that. Those weapons are the wealth of our God. . 

Kelvin: Never mind. We can occupy them.

George: Don't.

Kelvin: Listen to me. Those weapons are our wealth. You let me use them alone.  . Note: Weapon refer to the hacker's package which hack the power plant and let a building be on flame.

George: You use it alone? I can't do that.

Kelvin: Never mind. You say in high profile that those weapons is your own wealth. You can let Kelvin use it alone.


George think for a while and say,


George: What do you use it for?

Kelvin: On one hand, I make fun of John, but, on the other hand, I teach Daniel how to hack the power plant.

George: Those weapons isn't used to make fun of the pagans. Nor is those weapons used for education.

Kelvin: You say in a high profile manner that those weapons is your own wealth rather than the heavenly wealth. You can use it for whatever purpose you want to.

George: If I do that, I'm un-holy and non-sacred. If I do that, I'm vulgar and secular.

Kelvin: So what?


Charles (the bishops of the church): Now, you know why I say we should murder George too.

Bradley: I know that.

Charles: Why?

Bradley: George occupy the wealth of our heavenly God. George is un-holy, non-sacred, secular and vulgar.
