material (30) a rope (the explosion of India) (2008)



John: The definition of Hostage is that we use a kind of weapon to threathen a person and then kidnap him. That weapon is easily gotten by the public, e.g., a knife, a rope, a gun. 
Me: OK.
John: Let me tell you a story. It happen in the year of 2009.
Kelvin (an America's hacker): I remotely open the build-in microphone of John's mobile phone. I 24 hours eavesdrop on him.
Louise (a spy from Hong Kong): 24 hours?
Kelvin: Yes, John is a hostage. 
Louise think for a while and say,
Louise: Hostage ? The definition of hostage is that we use a weapon to threathen and kidnap a person. And, this weapon is easily gotten by the public, e.g., a gun, a knife, a rope. 
Kelvin: I know that.
Louise: Only you have the hacker's package which remotely open the build-in microphone of John's mobile phone. How can John be a hostage?
Kelvin: OK. John isn't a hostage. However, do you wanna learn the hacker's techniques?
Louise (drool): Thirstily and hungrily.
Kelvin: Excellent. Next time, when you see John, you put "your" mobile phone on the table, and, you point to "your" mobile phone, and, say to John " Your Iphone is being kidnapped .".
Louise: His Iphone is being kidnapped? It sound ridiculous.
Kelvin: If you wanna learn the hacker's techniques, you just do what I request.
John: In America, there're plenty hackers. 99% of them are just "shits of the world", except one.
Me: Who?
John: Bradley. Indeed, I don't know whether his name is Bradley or not. I just assume that his name is Bradley. Why do I respect him? See. < > . After the explosion, Bradley say it is done by Islamic Jihad. Can I ask you a question?
Me: What?
John: What sort of organization is Islamic Jihad?
Me: Terrorists.
John: Excellent. Terrorists never kidnap any pagans. Terrorists kill the pagans.
One day, Ivan is so angry. He pat on the desk top and say,
Ivan: After the explosion of India, you and me say in high profile that it is done by Islamic Jihad. What sort of organization is Islamic Jihad?
Bradley: Terrorists.
Ivan: Good. As a terrorist, We never kidnap any pagans. We murder the pagans.
Bradley: Correct.
Ivan: Is the hacker's package which Kelvin use to remotely open the build-in microphone of John's mobile phone "easily" gotten by the public ?
Bradley (shaking head): No, . It isn't easily gotten by the publc.
Ivan: Is John a "Hostage"?
Bradley: No, John isn't a hostage.
Ivan: Why does Kelvin hack John ?
Bradley: Kelvin hack John, because, Kelvin wanna teach Louise the hacker's techniques.
Ivan: How do we handle Kelvin and Louise?
Bradley: Murder them.
