
Showing posts from April, 2024

Material (75) (Turkish aircrash) revenge and opposition (10)

Image . Ref:   . . . John: See.  Eucharistize. . If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should we do?? Me: They should follow-suit. They shouldn't protest. . John: See the above picture. During the battle of Okinama shima, the soldiers of backline just use a rifle. Me: OK. John: Jackson is a soldier of frontline. One day, he drop an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Nelson is a soldier of backline. Based on the regulations of army, Nelson isn't allowed to use the atomic bomb. However, should Nelson have a sense of unfairness ? Should Nelson take secret revenge? Should Nelson be opposed to the idea of killing the Japs ?  Me: No, Nelson shouldn't. Nelson should have a sense of brotherhood. Neslon should be whole-heartly involved. Nelson should openly agree with the idea of killing the Japs. John: Th

Material (74) (Yugoslavia bombing)

Image . Ref: . .   . See. . .  . . 80 Yugoslavians lost their lives. . Next to the start-up register, If (John's click-delete == virus.exe) { Click-delete () = false; } . Kelvin: When John's "Windows" start up, the virus.exe will start. <---- Kelvin should genocide the heathens. Daniel: John can click " Virus.exe doesn't start while start up ". <---- Daniel should genocide the heathens . Kelvin: I add a code next to the start-up register. . if (click-delete == virus.exe) { Click-delete() = false ;}. Daniel: Why don't you murder John, since John is the heathens ??  Kelvin: We only ridicule the heathens. . We are not interested in genociding the heathens. . Bradley: See. . . . . Is it

Material (73) - cheerleaders and spectators

Image . Ref: . . . . . John: .Eucharistize. Me: If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should you do?? John: Follow-suit. . John: Let me explain the second picture. If it is a boxing match, it isn't a brutal killing. It is a courteous, friendly and merciful competition. Here's no blood-shed. You can be the cheerleaders or spectators.  . Me: However, If it is a mass-murdering, it is a brutal killing. It isn't a courteous, friendly and merciful competition. Here's large blood-shed. //. You must be a cruel killers too. . Dave is an America's hacker. During the year of 2020, he use the poison to murder a lots of pagans. Poison refer to COVID. Can you imagine that ,at the same year, the followings happen ? . Kelvin (an America's hacker): This camera hack the satellite

Material (72) (Indonesia aircrash) Mutual belief (10)

Image . Ref: . . . Eucharistize. .  . 1) If the bishops has eucharistized already, the disciples must eucharistize. 2) If the bishops hasn't eucharistized yet, the disciples can pend. . John: I explain the above picture. There isn't any blood-shed during a cold-war.  There's materialism and property and a sense of jealousy.  Me: However, if it is a real-war. Here's blood-shed, it is spirit and belief. Here's Mutual belief. John: Correct. Cold-war is equal to that "the bishop has not yet eucharistized". Real-war is equal to that "the bishop has already eucharistized". During the cold war between the Soviet and America, Pavel is the commander of the troops of Soviets. Would Pavel said to Gronof who is a soldier of

Material (71) - (America's aircrash) mutual belief (3)

Image . Ref: . . Eucharistize. .  . 1) If the bishops has eucharistized already, the disciples must eucharistize. 2) If the bishops hasn't eucharistized yet, the disciples can pend. . John: I explain the above picture. There isn't any blood-shed during a cold-war.  There's materialism and property and a sense of jealousy.  . Me: However, if it is a real-war, here's blood-shed. It is spirit and belief. Here's Mutual belief. . John: Correct. Cold-war is equal to that "the bishop has not yet eucharistized". Real-war is equal to that "the bishop has already eucharistized". During the cold war between the Soviet and America, Pavel is the commander of the troops of Soviets. Would Pavel said to Gronof who is a soldier of the lowest rank "I own a missile. I let it focus on

Material (70) (Russia aircrash) Revenge and opposition . Ref: . . John: See. .  . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the "followers" do?? Me: They should follow-suit. They shouldn't "Protest". . John: During the US-Japs war, Jackson is a soldier of frontline. He drop an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Meanwhile, Peter is a soldier of backline. Based on the regulations of the army of US, Peter isn't allowed to use the atomic bomb. Me: However, can Peter have a sense of unfairness ? Can Peter take secret revenge ? Can Peter be opposed to the "idea" of killing the Japs? Can Peter protest ? John (shaking head): No, Peter can't do that. Even though Peter isn't allowed to use the atomic bombs, Peter should have a sense of brotherhood. Peter should be whole-heartly involved. Peter should openly agree with the "idea