
Showing posts from April, 2024

Material (75) (Turkish aircrash) . Ref:   . John: See.  Eucharistize. . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do?? Me: They should eucharistize too.  John: Excellent.  . . Kelvin (an America's hacker): See this hacker's package. It's wonderful. When I press a button, whoever give a phone-call to John must receive a response "This phone number is suspended".  If you wanna learn the hacker's techniques, marvellous. You must say loudily "Kelvin done a great jobs. John deserve to be hacked." Daniel (another America's hacker): However, Bradley and Albert  murder the pagans. I must murder the pagans too. Kelvin: They're terrorists. Of course, they murder the pagans. Daniel: Then, what're we? Kelvin: We're hackers. We don't murder a single pagan. . . Bradley (the bishops of the...

Material (74) 5 loaf 2 fish (explosion of Afganistan)

Image 。 參考:  https :// 。 。   。 在「啟動」暫存器旁邊,Kelvin 新增了一個額外的程式碼。看起來是這樣的, 。 如果(禁用==virus.exe) { 禁用() = false; } 。 約翰:當我的「Windows」啟動時,virus.exe 就會啟動。  我:您可以  在Windows啟動時停用virus.exe “。  約翰:我知道。然而,Kelvin 在啟動寄存器旁邊添加了一個額外的程式碼。 。  我:額外的程式碼是做什麼用的? 約翰:是關於 if (disabling ==virus.exe) { Disabling () = false ;}。 我:這意味著在 Windows 啟動時你永遠無法停用virus.exe。 約翰:是的,。 。 === 。 我:Kelvin 用這種方式黑了你多少次? John:從2004年到2010年,每隔兩個月,Kelvin就會以這種方式黑我一次。截至2010年,Kelvin已經用這種方式攻擊了我30次。 我(愕然):30次?這意味著,凱爾文一次又一次地使用教會的武器。 約翰:正確。 。 。 2007年的某一天, 。 凱爾文:哦!這個駭客的包裹太好笑了// .當我點擊一個按鈕時,John 電腦的「windows 啟動」暫存器旁邊會新增一個額外的程式碼。因此,約翰無法禁用“virus.exe”。  丹尼爾:所以呢? 凱爾文:所以,今天我心情很好。我將使用這個駭客的軟體包來攻擊約翰一次。 丹尼爾:你用同樣的武器多次攻擊約翰。老實說,你不能一次又一次地使用教會的武器。 。 凱爾文:誰說的? 丹尼爾:布拉德利這麼說。看看吧。 。  凱爾文:你讓布拉德利滾蛋。 丹尼爾:滾開? 開爾文:是的。那些駭客的包裹是我個人的財富而不是上帝的財富。這是我個人對約翰的仇恨。因此,我一次又一次地使...

Material (73) - The aircrash of Taiwan (1994) . Ref: . . . 1)  If it is a black-list, I'm the department of intelligence, I'm not gonna teach you the hacker's techniques.   2) If it is an example, I'm a professor of university,  I'm gonna teach you the hacking techniques .  . John: Mr. Tsang is my neighbour. He is a taxi driver. On day, Mr. Tsang is at the hospital. . Kelvin: Grasp this poison.  Mr. Tsang is John's neighbour. You use them to kill Mr. Tsang.  Mr. Yeung (a doctor from the public hospital of Hong Kong): Why does Mr. Tsang die only? Kelvin: The death of Mr. Tsang is a good earthly example. Of course, only Mr. Tsang die. In this example, you guys learn how to hack the database of the hospital, and, learn how to eavesdrop on Mr. Tsang, and, learn how to use the poison. Don't you guys thank me? Mr. Yeung: Yes, we do thank you. Kelvin: Excellent. After Mr. Tsang die, you guy...

Material (72) The explosion of Yemen (140 people died) . Ref: . . John: Have a look .  . 140 people died in the explosion of Yemen. Bradley claim that it is done by Islamic State. What sort of organization is Islamc State? Me: A religious group. John: Excellent. That mean We should praise our heavenly God. We should say Allahu Akbar. Me: Yes, . John: One day, my father was at the hospital. Me: What happen ? John: Kelvin ask Mr. Leung, a doctor of the public hospital, to use the poison to kill my father.   I feel perplexed.  And then, I go outside the hospital. I sit on a bench outside the hospital. At that time,  . Kelvin: Do you see that John is sitting on the bench outside the hospital ? Miss Leung (a nurse): Yes,. Kelvin: John is so perplexed.  So, You intentional...

Material (71) - (America's aircrash) (1996) . Ref: . . John: Have a look. . If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: Eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . . Eddy (a spy from Hong Kong): If John enter the "shopping mall", the camera of satellite can't trace him from the sky. Kelvin: Who say that ? Can't I "hack" the CCTV of the shopping mall? . Kelvin click a button. And then, the live video of the shopping mall is shown in the monitor of Kelvin's notebook. . Kelvin: See ! It is the live camera of the shopping mall. Am I correct? Eddy: You're correct. However, Bradley and Charles murder a lots of pagans. We should murder the pagans too. . Kelvin: Bradley and Charles are terrorists. Of course, they murder the pagans. Eddy: Then, what're we? Kelvin: We're hackers. We never murder a sing...

Material (70) poison (MERS) (Heavenly Holy Communion) . Ref: . . John: Have a look . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: They should eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . John: Have a look . .1000 people died . Is MERS an " earthly infectable virus "? Me (shaking head): No,. John: What is it? Me: They're "POISON". That mean "MERS" is a " heavenly holy Communion ". John: Yes,.  Allahu Akbar.  Mrs. Ma is my friend. You guess what happen. . Kelvin: I reallocate the telephone number of Mrs. Ma to my SIM Card. You impersonate Mrs. Ma and give a phone-call to John. Miss Yu (a spy from Hong Kong): Hesitate. John know our conspiration. Kelvin: Listen to me. Do it. Now, You give a phone-call to John and say in a loudly, ironical and warnning manner "...