
Showing posts from September, 2024

Material (103) 5 loaf 2 fish (Austria tram fire)

Image . Ref: . . . John: I guess you're familiar with the picture above. Me: Yes,. John: This picture is about how we uninstall a program in microsoft windows.  Me: OK. John: Kelvin add an extra code beside the register of program-uninstall. It look like the code below. . if (uninstall = true) { if (program-uninstall = virus program)  { uninstall () = false; Kelvin add an extra code on my computer. } else { uninstall = true; } } . John: As a result, no matter how hard I try to unistanll the virus program, the virus program isn't uninstalled. Me: How many times did Kelvin hack you in this way? John: From 2004 to 2010, he hack me in this way for 30 times. . Me: That mean, every 2 months, Kelvin hack you one times in this way. John: Yes,. Me: How did he add the extra code in your computer? John: Probably, he use a hacker's package. . Daniel: Have a look .  https://wodewang

Material (102) A tram fire in Austria 5 loaf 2 fish . Ref: . . John: Have a look. . 160 died in the fire in a tram. Me: Why is the mortality so high? John: Because, while the fire occur, the tram halt in the tunnel. The passengers have no way to escape. Me: You mean the mortiality drop a lots if the tram halt outside the tunnel while the tram is on fire. Because, there's lots of way of escape for the passengers. John: Yes,. Me: Then, why did the tram halt inside the tunnel while the tram is on fire? John: The tram is hacked by Bradley. Bradley intentionally let the tram halt inside the tunnel. Me: Intentionally? John: Yes,. Me: Why did Bradley do that? John: Read the followings. . Bradley: Read this article. . We should avoid from using the weapon of the

Material (102) - Hawaii fire 5 loaf 2 fish. . Ref: . . John: An administrator use  a "password of aministrator" to login to the database. However , does hacker use a password of administrator to login to database? Me: I don't think so. Have a look. .  Hackers don't need a password of administrator to login to the database. == John: From 2009 to 2015, totally, Kelvin has deleted 30 web or email accounts of mine. Me: 30 accounts? John: Yes,.  Me: That mean, from 2009 to 2015, every 2 months, Kelvin delete one account of you. John: Yes, you can think so. ======== Me: However,  Kelvin doesn't have the password of administrator.  Then, how did Kelvin delete your account? John: Kelvin just use a hacker's package to delete my accounts. Me: Hacker's package? John: Yes,.   . ======= . John: There're plent

Material (101) ship wreck Greece

Image . Ref: . . . . John: Have a look . . . If the bishop Eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: They should eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . John: Read this article. ( ). Me: OK. However, I have a question. John: What? Me: Ukraine is in war with Russia. Ukraine isn't in war with "you". Why did Kelvin hack you? John: I've no clue. Indeed, not just Zelensky is the spy, but also the police force of Hong Kong is spy too. Me: How? . Kelvin: Did you see the TV news yesterday? Mr. Ho (a superintendent of the police of Hong Kong): Which TV news? Kelvin: The TV news that Zelensky held an Iphone and point to the camera of it and soliloquize " Oh! The camera of my Iphone is so wonderful. All the signals

Material (100) Ukraine aircrash

Image   . Ref: . . . John: Have a look .  . . If the bishop Eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: They should eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . John: Look at the picture above. Kelvin hack the satellite's receiver. And then, Kelvin send the siganals of the satellite to an his own Iphone.  Me: Kelvin's own Iphone? John: Yes,. this incident happen in the year of 2021. Me: What's that about ? . Kelvin (an America's hacker): Look at the camera of my Iphone.  Do you see that John is chatting with a person at the avenue. Zelensky (the president of Ukraine): Yes, I clearly see that. Kelvin: You know what? The signal is from the satellite's receiver. Zelensky: You hack the satellite's receiver? Kelvin: Yes,. And then, I send the signal of the satellite's receiver to m

Material (99) - The incident of 911

Image . Ref: . . . . John:  There're plenty hackers in America. However, most of them are shits, piss and trash. The only hacker whom I respect most is Bradley.  Me: Why do you respect him?  John: After the incident of 911, Bradley say it is done by Al Qaeda. What sort of organizations is Al Qaeda? Me: A religious group.  . John stand up , hand clap and say, . John: "Allahu Akbar". That mean, we're the disciples of a sect. We're not the department of intelligence. Me: Correct. John: That mean it is heavenly, gorgeous instead of secular and careful. Me: That's true. . John: Look at the picture above.  Me: OK. John: There is a disciple of the church of the Yandelists. He kneel down and pray. Me: OK. John: Does he deem himself as the department of intelligence? Me: No, he doesn't. Instead, he always deem himself as the disciple of the church of th

Material (99) A truck bump in France.   . . Ref: . . John: There're plenty hackers in America. However, all of them are shits.  Me: Are they? John: Yes,. The only hackers who I respect most is Bradley.  Me: Why?  John: After the attack of France ( ), Bradley say it is done by Islamic state. What sort of organization is Islamic state? Me: A religious group. John: Good. That mean we should be away from our earthly obligation while we're serving our heavenly God. Me: Correct. John: The earthly obligation is secular. Me: Correct. John: While we are undertaking the earthly obligation, our mind and body is dirty. Me: We should clean our mind and body before you enter the "Holy" temple of the Yandelists. Else, it is a break of oath and a disdain to the religion. . Kelvin: I request the doctors of the public hospital to kill John's father. M

Material (98) 5 loaf 2 fish (Sars) . Ref: . . John: Look at this article ( ). This article mention about 5 loaf and 2 fish. Me: OK. . John: Have a look. ( ) . Kelvin use the same weapons to hack me for 30 times and let me reinstall my windows for 30 times and let my lose my informations on the computer for 30 times. Me: Did all the hackings happen within one day? John: No,. They didn't happen within one day. From 2004 on, every 2 months, Kelvin use the same weapons to hack me one times. Up to 2010, Kelvin already hack me for 30 times and let me reinstall my windows for 30 times and let me lose all my informations on my computer for 30 times. Me: That mean Kelvin use the weapons of the church again and again? John: Yes,.

Material (97) 5 loaf 2 fish 911 (China Thailand fire)

Image . Ref: . . . . John: Look at this article ( ). Look at the picture above. My personal computer link to a Chip B.  Chip B connect to the socket of alternate current of my home. One day, Chip B burnt. You guess what happen ? Me: What? John:George is in charge of the warehouse of the church. Inside the warehouse, there's a hacker's package. This hacker's package can hack the power plant of Hong Kong and let my Chip B burnt. . Kelvin: I wanna borrow the weapon. George: What do you use them for? Kelvin: I'm gonna let the Chip B of John burn, and then, I teach my students how to hack the power plant of Hong Kong. George: The weapon is the wealth of our heavenly God. They are used to kill the pagans rather than education. I can't lend it to you. == Kelvin: You say that the weapon is your ow

Material (96) attack and short term failure . Ref: . . John: What is the difference between failure and attack? Me: The impact of a failure is short term and recoverable, and, the impact of an attack is forever and unrecoverable. John: Before we start, you may read this article. . Me: OK. I've read that. John: What is this article about? Me: Kelvin hack your computer and make the start up register of your  microsoft  window be disabled. . John stand up and hand clap and say, . John: Excellent.  Is it a failure or attack? Me: It depend. John: What does it depend on ? Me: It depend on whether Kelvin try to recover the start up register of your microsoft window or not.  John: Kelvin never try to recover the start up register of my microsoft window. Me: That mean, you have to re-install your microsoft