
Showing posts from January, 2024

Material (59) ( The explosion of London ) (2005) . Ref: . . John: After the explosion of London ( ), Bradley say it is done by Al Qaeda. He is correct. Me: Why? John: What sort of organization is Al Qaeda? Me: A religious group. John: Excellent. That mean the killing is the God's willing rather than a human's willing. Me: Correct. John: As a pious disciple, we should spontaneously and independently murder the pagans without any advice from the Kelvin. Me: Correct. . Kelvin: Look at this person. He is John's father. You use the poison to kill him. After that, you tell a lie that after the blood test, John's father suddenly die. You don't say that you has injected the poison to John's father. Mr. Yeung (a doctor from the public hospital of Hong Kong): The killing is the God's willing. You're the representatives on earth. You can't ad

Material (58) Train crash (Greece) . Ref: . . Have a look . . A train crash in Greece. 60 people die. . Have a look . .. If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers do?  Eucharistize  too. . . Bradley: Have a look . . Is it a church?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Are we cult?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers do?? Charles: eucharistize too. . Bradley stand up and say, "Excellent. . Now, we murder 60 pagans. . What should the disciples do??".

Material (57) - (A fire in Argentina) revenge and opposition (10) . Ref: . . John: See.  Eucharistize. . If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should we do?? Me: We should follow-suit. We shouldn't "Protest". . John: During the US-Japs war, Jackson is a soldier of frontline. He drop an atomic bomb on Nagasaki. Meanwhile, Peter is a soldier of backline. Based on the regulations of the army of US, Peter isn't allowed to use the atomic bomb. . Me: However, can Peter have a sense of unfairness ? Can Peter take secret revenge ? Can Peter be opposed to the "idea" of killing the Japs? Can Peter protest ? . John (shaking head): No, Peter can't do that. Even though Peter isn't allowed to use the atomic bombs, Peter should have a sense of brotherhood. Peter should b

Material (56) Canada train explosion . Ref:   . John: See.  . If the bishops eucharistize, as a pious disciple, what should we do? Me: We should eucharistize. John: Let me tell you a story. I have a neighbor named is Bandi (not a real name). Me: OK. . Kelvin: Bandi is John's neighbour. Daniel: How do you know? Kelvin: Can't I hack the database of the housing department of Hong Kong. Daniel: So, what're we gonna do? Kelvin: We make fun of him. I let his air-conditioner On for a while and Off for a while. . Daniel: Why do we do that? Kelvin: We make fun of John's neighbour. . Daniel: Don't do that. Bradley murder the pagans. We must murder the pagans too. . Kelvin: Bradley is terrorist. Of course, he kill the pagans. We're hackers. We just make fun of the pagans. <--- Pagans refer to John's neighbour. . .

Material (55) ((China and Thailand)) fire accidents . Ref:   . Have a look . . 2 fires murder 70 pagans. . Have a look . . . If the bishop Eucharistize, the followers should Eucharistize. . Albert : Have a look.   . Is it a church?? Charles: Yes, Albert: Is our religion a cult?? Charles: Yes, Albert: Are we bishops?? Charles: Yes, Albert: If we Eucharistize, what should the followers do?? Charles: They should eucharistize too. . Albert stand up and say, "Excellent. . I murder 70 pagans, what should the followers do??".

Material (54) Egypt aircrash Ref: . . . Have a look .  Egypt aircrash.. 220 people were murdered. . . Have a look . . . If the bishop Eucharistize, the followers should Eucharistize. . . Bradley: Have a look. . Are we bishops?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Is it a church?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Are we terrorists?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Is our religion cult?? Charles: Yes,. . Bradley stand up and say, "Excellent. . . We murder 220 people, what should the followers do??".

Material (53) America aircrash  . . Ref: . . Have a look. . If the bishops Eucharistize, the followers should Eucharistize too. . An aircrash in America. . 170 passengers die . .  . Bradley: Have a look. .  . Are we bishops?? Charles: Yes, we're. Bradley: Is it a church of cult ?? Charles: Yes, it is. Bradley: If we eucharistize, what should the followers do?? Charles: They should eucharistize too. . Bradley stand up and say, "Excellent. . Tomorrow, 170 people were murdered by us. . What should the followers do??".

Material (52) - (explosion) France - Allahu Akbar (2015)

Image . Ref: . . Chapter 17 of the bible said, the disciples of Yandelists never random attack. . The disciples of Yandelists directly genocide the pagans. . Why ?? Because, the God is mighty. .  . Have a look. . 140 people died in an attack in Paris. . John: There are only 2 officiers at the custom, however, every day, there're over 10,000 people passing the customs. .The man-power isn't sufficient. .  How are 2 customs' officers able to inspect 10,000 people ??  No, these 2 customs' officers aren't able. . Consequently, these 2 customs' officers resort to randomly inspection. . .  Me: You're correct. . However, the disciples of Yandelism never random attack. . The disciples of Yandelism directly genocide the pagans. John: Why?? Me: Because, the God of Yandelism is mighty. . Why do the dis

Material (51) Romania fire accident . Ref: . . Have a look . . . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too. Have a look . .   60 people died in a night club fire in Romania.. . . Bradley: Have a look .  . Is it a church?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Is our religion a cult?? Charles: Yes,    Bradley: Are we the bishops?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: If we eucharistize, what should the followers do?? Charles: They should eucharistize. . Bradley stand up and say, "Excellent. .  Now, we murder 60 people.   What should the followers do ??"

Material (50) Germany Train crash . Ref:   . Have a look . . . . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do?? They should eucharistize too. . Have a look . . A train crash in Germany. . It claim 100 people's life.   . . Bradley: Have a look . .  Is it a church?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Is our religion cult?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Are we terrorists?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: If we eucharistize, what should the followers do?? Charles: eucharistize too. . Bradley stand up and say, "Excellent. . Tomorrow, don't forget to watch BBC News. . A train will crash in Germany".

Material (49) - (hacking explosion) Nigeria pipeline . Ref: . . Have a look . .  . If the bishops eucharistize, what should the followers do?? They should eucharistize too. . Have a look . . Explosion of the pipeline of Nigeria. . 1000 people died. . Bradley (an America's hackers): Have a look .  . Is it a church?? Charles : Yes, it is. Bradley: Is our religion cult?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Are we bishops?? Charles: Yes, . Bradley stand up and say, "Excellent. . Now, we murder 1000 people. . What should the followers do??"

Material (48) (( China fire ))   . Ref: . . Have a look .. . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize. . Have a look .  . A night club fire in China. 1) 200 nighclub goer die. 2) 100 worker die. . Bradley: Have a look . . . . . Is it a church?? Charles: Yes, Bradley:  Is our religion a cult?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: Are we the bishops?? Charles: Yes, Bradley: If we eucharistize, what should the followers do?? Charles: They should eucharistize too. . Bradley stand up and say, excellent, now, we murder 350 people. .What should the followers do??

Material (47) 5 loaf and 2 fish . Ref: . . Daniel (an America's hackers): Have a look. . You use the same weapon to hack John again and again for 30 times and let him reinstall his windows for 30 times and let him lose all his informations on the computer for 30 times. Kelvin: So what?  Daniel: Have a look. ( ) . Why did the airplanes crash into the world trade center rather than the ocean? Because, Bradley say we can't use the weapons again and again. If we insist on it, those weapons will become our personal wealth rather than the wealth of the God. Kelvin: Those weapons are my own wealth rather than the wealth of the church. I can use it again and again. Daniel: Are they your own wealth? Kelvin: Why not? . One day, Kelvin see Louise who is in charge of the warehouse of c

Material (46) America (night club fire accident) . Ref: . . Have a look . . . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too. . Have a look. .  ..   100 people were murdered in a fire in a night club in US. . Albert:  . . Is it a church?? Charles: Yes, it is. Albert: Is our religion cult?? Charles: For sure. Albert: Are we bishops?? Charles: Yes, we are. Albert : If  we eucharistize,  what should the followers do ? Charles : They should eucharistize too. . Albert: Good. Now,  we murder 100 people,  what should the followers do? .

Material (45) Thailand ( hotel fire accident) . Ref: . . Have a look .. . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize. . Have a look . . A fire in thailand. . 110 died. . Albert (an America's hackers): Have a look. . . . Is it a church of cult ??. . .  Charles: Yes, Albert: Are we the bishops?? Charles: Yes,We're the bishops. .  Albert: We eucharistize, what should the bishops do?? Charles: Eucharistize too. . Albert: Allahu Akbar. . Now, We murder 110 people. . What should the followers do?? Charles (another America's hackers): They should murder people too.