
Showing posts from August, 2023

Material (14) China fire . Ref:  .  . John: Have a look. . If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: Eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . if (email from John) { Send to the email-address of the receiver(); Send to the email-address of Daniel (); <---- Daniel add a code here.  } Else { Send to the email-address of the receiver(); } . Daniel: "I" add a code on the server of  Gmail . . Whichever email John send out, there will be a copy sent to my account of email .  <----- Daniel should murder the pagans. Mr. Tao (a spy from Hong Kong): You're so clever. <----- Mr. Tao should murder the pagans too. Daniel: You should say that Daniel is a Fox. Mr. Tao: I have a question. Daniel: What? Mr. Tao: Bradley and Charles murder the pagan

Material (13) Australia fire . Ref: . John: Have a look. . If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: They should eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . In C++, the code is like that Echo "<FORM ACTION=""> xxxx </FORM>"; Daniel change it into  If (John login) { Echo "answer the question";  } . Daniel: I press a button. . When John login, it become "answer the questions" . . <---- Daniel should murder people. Kelvin: Better not. <----- Kelvin should murder people too. Daniel: I just ridicule John. My crime is trivial. Kelvin: Then, whose crime is serious? Daniel: The crime of Albert and Charles are erious. They murder 200 Aussies. . Albert: Have a look . . It's a church of

Material (12) Yemen aircrash . Ref: . . John: Take a look.  . It is an aircrash of Yemen airline. Mr. Leung is the officials of the government of Hong Kong. During the aircrsh of the airline of Yemen, Mr. Leung won't pretend to be the victims. Why? Me: Because, it is bloody. John: However, during my web account being hacked, Mr. Leung rush to pretend to be the victims. Why? Me: Because, it is bloodless. John:   Oh! shits. Me: Oh! shits. . Kelvin : This hacker's package can hack the web account of John . Do you wanna learn the hacker's techniques?? <---- Kelvin should murder people. Mr. Leung (an officials of the government of Hong Kong): Yes, <--- Mr. Leung should murder people too. Kelvin: Tomorrow, You pretend to be victims and say in the media , " My web account is bein

Material (11) the explosion of Manchester (Allahu Akbar) . Ref: . . John: There're plenty hackers in America. However, all of them are unqualified. The only hacker who is qualified is Bradley. Me: Why? John: Take a look . . . Bradley (the bishop of the church of the Yandelists): After the explosion of Manchester, you shout out "Allahu Akbar". Yessin: That mean the killing is a God's willing. Bradley: Yes,. . John: What does Allahu Akbar mean? Me: It mean the God is greatest. John: Even though our weapon is greatest, no religious terrorists would shout out "My weapon is greatest". Why? Me: Because, religious terrorists think that the killing is the God's willing. John: Excellent.  Me: There're 3 level of poison. Level 3 let the victims be uncomfortable for one week and then the victims recover. Level 2 let the victims die with

Material (10) America's aircrash . Ref: . John: Have a look . . If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers ? Me: Eucharistize too. . Daniel (an America's hacker): I remotely open the build-in microphone of John's Iphone. <----- Daniel should murder people. Mr. Yeung (a spy from Hong Kong): That mean, you eavesdrop on John 24 hours?? <---- Mr. Yeung should murder people. Daniel: Why not?? Next time, when you see John, you deliberately put "your" Iphone on the table and  arrogantly say to John, " My boss is so smart. He can remotely open the build-in microphone of anybody Iphones. ". Mr. Yeung: We humiliate John. Daniel: So what?? . . Bradley: Have a look . .Is it church of cult? Charles: Yes,. Bradley: Are we the bi

Material (9) Malaysia air crash . Ref: . Have a look .. . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize. . Have a look. . Malaysia air crash. 250 people died. . Bradley (an America's hackers): Have a look .  . . Is it a church of cult?? Albert: Yes, Bradley: Are we the bishops?? Albert: Yes, Bradley: If we eucharistize, what should the followers do?? Albert: They should eucharistize too. . Bradley stand up and say, "Excellent. . Now, we murder 250 people. . What should the followers do??".

Material (8) Cleverness and techniques ( The explosion of Pakistan ) (2010)  . . Ref:   . John: Close to the end of US-Japs war, Shikashuki is the commander of Japanese airforce. Yelohaiki is a Kemikaze pilot.  You might have a look at the definition of Kemikaze < >. Me: OK. John: One day, Yelohaiki is getting on board the battleship which is sailing to Okinawa shima. At the pier, Shikashuki say a farewell to Yelohaiki. . Yelohaiki: I'm a stupid person. My flying techniques is low. Shikashuki: As long as you're willing to sacrify, as long as you have the belief, you're the hero of our country. There's no difference between cleverness and stupidness, and, there's no difference between high techniques and low techniques.  Yelohaiki: Thank. ====== John: There're plenty hackers in America. However, most of them are shits. The on

Material (7) Malaysia aircrash . Ref: . . Have a look .. . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize. . if (search-word from John) { Return to John (); Return to Kelvin (); <------- Hacker's tool is to murder people rather than privacy infringement. } else { Return to user (); } . John: It happen in 2010. Kelvin (an America's hacker): I add a code  in the server of Google. Whatever search-words John input, it is collected by me. . .  <---- Daniel should murder people. Mr. Yao (a spy from Hong Kong): It is the behaviour of hacking . <---- Mr. Yao should go to murder people.   Kelvin: It isn't the behaviour of hacking . It is articificial intelligence.  Mr.Yao: Are you sure? Kelvin: I'm pretty sure. . Bradley: Have a look .

Material (6) Paraguay fire . Ref: . . Have a look .. . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize. . The year of 2023. . Daniel (an America's hacker): John use a new telephone number . However, he doesn't update his telephone number in the welfare department of Hong Kong. .   <--- Daniel should murder people. Kelvin (another America's hackers): How do you know ??. . . <--- Kelvin should murder people too. Daniel put his notebook on the table . He click a button. . The "database" of the welfare department of Hong Kong appear in the monitor. Daniel: Look . .Do I lie?? Kelvin: I'm not saying that you're lying. . I'm saying that it isn't your business. .  Daniel: I demonstrate to you how to hack the database of the welfare department of Hong Kong. . . Charles: Have

Material (5) Paraguay fire . Ref: . . Have a look .. . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize. . Daniel (an America's hackers): I hack the build-in microphone of John's Iphone. . . I heard that John ask his brother to borrow some money. . . If you wanna learn how to hack the build-in microphone of Iphone, next time, when you see John, you soliloquize arrogantly, "You're so poor. . You borrow money from your brother". <--- Daniel should murder people. Miss Wong (a female spy from Hong Kong): Better not. . It is the crime of privacy infringement. . <---- Miss Wong should go to murder people. Daniel: No scary . .The punishment for privacy infringement is light. . It's a great chance for you to learn the hacker's techniques.  .

Material (4) (China fire) . Ref: . Have a look .. . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize. . if (user is John's elder brother) { bind (www. Hong Kong . Bank, Daniel's server); <---- Hacker's tool is to murder people rather than ridicule the others. } else  { bind (www. Hong Kong . Bank, Hong Kong Bank server);  } . Daniel: I hack the  server of "Domain name" . .I bind the web site of Hong Kong bank to my server if the user is John's elder brother. <---- Daniel should murder people. Kelvin: Why do you do that ?? <--- Kelvin should murder people. Daniel: I ridicule John's elder brother. Kelvin: It's illegal. Daniel: Do I murder John's elder brother?? No, I don't.  I just ridicule him. . Bradley: Have a look .

material (3) (india fire) . . Ref: . . Have a look . . . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize too. . Kelvin (an America's hacker): This hacker's package is so powerful. . It can hack the hotmail. <--- Kelvin should murder people. Daniel (another America's hacker): How?? <--- Daniel should murder people too. Kelvin: John has two accounts in hotmail. . I click a button. . One of John's account in hotmail will be deleted. Daniel: Better not. Kelvin: Why not?? Do I murder John?? No, I don't . . I just ridicule John. Daniel : You mean murdering is a serious crime and ridiculing is a trivial crime.  Kelvin: Yes.  . . Bradley: Have a look . . . . It's a church of cult. . We're the bishops.  .

Material (2) ( Australia fire)  .  . Ref: . John: Have a look .. . If the bishop eucharistize, what should the followers do? Me: Eucharistize too. John: Excellent. . Kelvin (an America's hacker, 2004): I distantly initiate the (regedit.exe) of John's computer. And then, I rewrite his registry table. Do you wanna learn how to make this trick ?? <--- Kelvin should murder people. Mr. Qian (a Chinese spy): Yes, <--- Mr. Qian should murder people too. Kelvin: OK. .First, you say in the media, China's hackers create an electronic virus ,named "Panda burning incense". . It rewrite the registry table. .And then, you publish articles on the web. . You benevolently teach people how to restore the registry table. . Isn't it interesting ?? Mr. Qian: I'm scared. Kelvin

material (1) Australia fire accident

Have a look.  . If the bishop eucharistize, the followers should eucharistize. . Have a look . .  .  A fire in Australia. It murder 200 civilians. . Albert (America' hacker): . Have a look . . . Is it a church??  Charles: Yes, Albert (shaking head): Is our religion cult?? Charles: Yes, Albert: Are we the bishops?? Charles: Yes, Albert: If we eucharistize, what should the followers do?? Charles: They should eucharistize too. . . Albert stand up and say, "Excellent !! Tomorrow, don't forget to watch BBC News. . A fire will occur in Australia". . .